Tag Archives: space

10 Ideas – The Future In Space

gpw-20060917-NASA-ISS011-E-11227-Switzerland-Space-Shuttle-Discovery-STS-114-Jura-Mountains-20050728-large1. Space conferences/retreats. Stay in one of the new huge conference centers. Maybe TED would be the company to do this.
2. Teams of contract scientists who run third party experiments in their own labs
3. A translucent globe filled with water to swim in or play the game from Final Fantasy XI
4. Mini space ship racing. Like go carts but they use compressed air to propel themselves
5. A whole new brand in the grocery store of Space Food. It would be verifiably cleaner, more nutritious, and more sustainable to grow than Earth Food. Space strawberries, space carrots, space greens
6. Hollywood will have offices in space for the new genre of space films.
7. One major cost of server farms is the they need to be cooled. Would it be cheaper to have a giant server farm in space that is just cooled by being in space?
8. Counters, computers or humans, who count and catalog objects in deep space.
9. The more people who are in space, the more accurately you can run medical experiments on a large sample size. This could lead to finding one kind of vitamin combination or nutrition regimen that solves a majority of health problems or could make humans stronger, healthier, smarter starting from a young age.
10. Spaceship Station Graffiti.

10 Ideas – June 1 2014

1. A scholarship that will pay for kids to travel abroad as long as they write a blog post about they helped one person each day. They are paid a flat rate for the post, and get bonuses on how popular the post is
2. When two countries want to have a war or something, the two presidents or whoever is in charge fight to the death instead of troops. If only the leaders were that brave.
3. There is evidence that some plants grow and mature faster in space. At some point, could we have spaceships that grow food and send it down to earth? Then we wouldn’t need as much farm land.
4. What will the first sports in space be? Laser tag like in Enders Game would be awesome.
5. Could we have a surgery that enhances small parts of people’s bones with carbon and things like to make them measurably stronger?
6. As religions become less popular, we see churches turn into community centers with speakers visiting, computers, books, learning centers, workshops where kids can build things. The sermon area could become a stage for people to perform.
7. What’s something tiny that could help people who live in an apartment save money? 80/20 of saving power in an apartment.
8. Phone alarm that makes you smile for 10 seconds before turning off so you can start the say off happy
9. Instead of sending supplies to areas that suffer from a  natural disaster, will we be sending 3d printers?
10. How do you get into space without rocket fuel? What does an electric rocket engine look like?