Category Archives: Reading

Changes Since September

Here are some of the new things I’ve started since moving to San Diego

1. I wake up at 5:30am during the week

2. I meditate for eleven minutes five to seven days a week, usually right after I wake up

3. I am active (run, gym, surf, yoga) at least six days a week

4. I write three to four days per week

5. I read one to two books per week

6.  I drink/party way less than I did in college.

7.  I am taking improv comedy lessons

8.  I use the 4 Hour Chef to cook more

The things I want to change

1. Instead of bingeing TV shows on sites like coke and popcorn, watch one episode at a time

2. Eat more food. I am not making the most of going to the gym

3. See a therapist. Not for anything serious, just to have an empathetic listener who knows how the mind works to listen to me

4. Find something with coffee-like effects so I can drink less coffee. In only drink two cups a day, mostly for saving money

5. Save more money

6. Meet more girls

7. Post here more



What I’ve been reading

The 50th Law by 50 Cent and Robert Greene – All about being honest with yourself and reality, confronting your fears, and some cool street stories from 50.

The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman – TIm Ferriss mentioned in a youtube video that this was a really good book. It really wasn’t that great. It’s about a kid raised by ghosts in a graveyard.

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini – Basic human psychology, how people exploit us, and how to protect ourselves from being exploited. Funny Hari Krishna case study.

All Marketers are Liars by Seth Godin – Awesome book. It’s short and Godin style and all about how people care less about facts and more about the stories and making decisions that make them feel good, pretty, smart, rich, or better. Perfect where the business is

The Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande – Gawande is a surgeon who takes a look at how checklists improve the success rate and efficiency of human decisions from construction to finance to medicine. Really fast and interesting read

Here Comes Everybody by Clay Shirky – A must for anyone trying to understand how people behave on the internet and why they behave the way do.